Part 2: Things I needed for my College Applications
The Ultimate List of What You Need to Start College Applications- From a Student who has and is currently going through this Endeavour
Hi guys! This is more of an extra step to further solidify what I have said in Part 1 (So do read that first)
A BRAG sheet is a list of all your achievements, personal accomplishments, and marksheet scores. Making this sheet not only helps you be organised in applying but also a sure shot way of getting yourself a good personalised Letter of Recommendation - KEEP A PDF OF CERTIFICATES
Keep a PDF of all the certificates together and separately as different colleges ask for these certificates in different formats - PREPARE A DOCUMENT OF YOUR PERSONAL STORY
Do not...and I mean DO NOT directly write your personal story on the text box given. A college essay is usually 400 to 700 words and a text box is not easy to edit everything you want on the essay
Usually while applying, you will be assigned to an admission officer or student. Save the number and connect with them. Use this to your advantage to network inside and gain more information about the college you are applying to. - PREPARE A LIST OF QUESTIONS
If you get shortlisted to the interview round, you will be expected to have a few questions for the college. Keep a list of 2-3 questions ready to ask the college so that the interviewer gets the notion that you have studied their website and you are interested in the college
As usual, let me know if you have any questions. I will be happy to answer. My email has been listed in case you want to reach out to me personally.
Good Luck :)
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